Monday, January 19, 2009

from europe

when i went over to Europe for three weeks, i brought a carry-on. just one. It had enough clothes for four days and my little bag of essentials and a small backpack to carry through out the day.

After hitting London, Windsor, Paris, Versailles, Krakow, Liechtenstein and most of Switzerland, my little bag was over-flowing. One of the ladies who was also traveling the entire trip was nice enough to let me send my backpack full of items with her.

This was August.

Yesterday, Jen and I traveled to a five hour drive to corral my backpack of European treasures.

I opened the bag to find 2 dirty shirts and a pair of jeans and the following items:

1. A Sorbonne University shirt from Paris bought from the small shops around Sacre Coeur.
2. A biography of Marie Antoinette with matching bookmark from Versailles.
3. A oatmeal cardigan bought at H&M in London.
4. A pink Swiss Army knife we bought in Switzerland.

While it may not be much, it's very nice to have it back.

Europe, oh how I miss you!

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